The DFG Senate Commission on Food Safety organizes scientific meetings on current aspects of major importance to the safety of food, with the aim of reviewing and assessing the state of knowledge in a specific field. This book summarizes the important results from the meeting on "Functional Food: Safety Aspects", held at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition (Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Ernahrung, BFE) in Karlsruhe, attended by an outstanding faculty of internationally renowned experts from academia, industry and administration.Content: Chapter I Hauptschlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen (pages 1–8): Chapter II Kriterien zur Beurteilung Funktioneller Lebensmittel (pages 9–18): Chapter III Main Conclusions and Recommendations (pages 19–25): Chapter IV Criteria for the Evaluation of Functional Foods (pages 27–35): Chapter V Contributions (pages 37–278): Cornelia M. Ulrich, John D. Potter, Burckhard Viell, Shaw Watanabe, Xing Gang Zhuo, Mitsuru Kimira, Yi?Min Wei, Quo?Quan Zhang, Jun?Ling Shi, Barbara O. Schneeman, Aalt Bast, Guido R. M. M. Haenen, Josef Kohrle, Dieter Schrenk, Karin H. van het Hof, Johan M. M. van Amelsvoort, Ron Walker, Beatric L. Pool?Zobel, Margreet R. Olthof, Peter L. Zock, Petra Verhoef, Martijn B. Katan, Raymond Pieters, Xiang?Dong Wang, Hans Konrad Biesalski, Jurgen Frank, Debra K. Kelleher, Christine Lambert, Oliver Thews, Peter Vaupel, Linda J. Lea, Paul A. Hepburn, Doris Marko, Catherine Boyle, Manfred Metzler, Erika Pfeiffer, Leane Lehmann, Walter P. Hammes, Fabio Dal Bello, Maria Saarela, Jaana Matto and Tiina Mattila?SandolmChapter VI Posters (pages 279–375): F. Dal Bello, J. Walter, C. Hertel, W. P Hammes, G. Festag, N. Haag, Gabriele Beyer?Sehlmeyer, M. N. Ebert, B. Marian, Eva Gietl, Annett Klinder, Stella Pistoli, R. Goralczyk, H. Bachmann, G. Riss, C?P. Aebischer, B. Lenz, A. Kampkotter, E. Rohrdanz, K. Iwami, S. Ohler, W. Watjen, Y. Chovolou, S. E. Kulling, R. Kahl, D. Kavvadias, P. Sand, P. Riederer, E. Richling, P. Schreier, Peter P. Hoppe, Klaus Kraemer, Henk van den Berg, Gery Steenge, Trinette van Vliet, S. Lebrun, H. Schulze, W. Follmann, Leane Lehmann, P. Niering, I. Kohler, Q.?H. Tran?Thi, Erika Pfeiffer, Harald L. Esch, Simone Hohle, Aniko M. Solyom, Barbara N. Timmermann, Manfred Metzler, W. Seefelder, N. Bartke, T. Gronauer, S. Fischer, H.?U. Humpf, S. Schafer, H.G. Kamp, C. Muller, B. Haber, G. Eisenbrand, C. Janzowski, W. Watjen, K. Wertz, P. Buchwald, T. Hansen, M. Niehof, M. Dangers, J. Borlak, Stefanie Klenow, Michael Glei, Bernd Haber, Beatrice L. Pool?Zobel, Annette Baumgart, Melanie Schmidt, Hans?Joachim Schmitz, Dieter Schrenk, Achim Bub, Bernhard Watzl, M. Roller, G. Caderni, G. Rechkemmer, Karlis Briviba, Kerstin Schnabele, Elke Schwertle, Kerstin Rebscher, Stephan W. Barth, Silvia Roser, Heike Lang, Anette Holl, Sabine Guth, Doris Marko, Monika Kemeny, Michael Habermeyer, Edda Bernardy, Susanne Meiers and Ulrike WeyandChapter VII Participants and Contributors of the Symposium (pages 377–384):