جزییات کتاب
This edition of The Book of Lord Shang features both English and Chinese side-by-side for easy reference and bilingual support. The chapters are organized and hyper-linked easy reading and navigation. This Chinese classic text is one of the major works of the Legalist school of Chinese philosophy, an early Legalist work generally attributed to the eponymous Lord Shang (Shangzi, 商子). It is a foundational work of that pragmatic and authoritarian tradition: The Book of Lord Shang teaches that laws are designed to maintain the stability of the state from the people, who are innately selfish and ignorant. There is no such thing as objective goodness or virtue; it is obedience that is of paramount importance. The philosophy espoused in this work is quite explicitly anti-Confucian.This edition also includes a Classical Chinese Quick Study Guide, with an added study reference for the 100 most frequent classical Chinese characters.《商君书》,又称《商子》,为中國战国法家人物商鞅及其後學的著作彙編,是法家學派的代表作之一。《商君書》側重記載法家商鞅輔佐秦孝公時進行革新變法、重農重戰、重刑厚賞、反斥儒家言論,主要反映了戰國法家的政治思想。在《汉书》中录有二十九篇,但现在仅存二十四篇(另有两篇有目无文)。其中有些篇所述史实在商鞅死后,说明不是商鞅本人所作,但书中保留了商鞅法家思想遗著,並记录了商鞅的言行,约为战国末年商鞅后学编成。《韩非子》與司马迁都曾提到过这部书。Chapters include: 1. 更法 - Reform of the Law2. 墾令 - Order to Cultivate Waste Lands3. 農戰 - Agriculture and War4. 去強 - Elimination of Strength5. 說民 - Discussion about the People6. 算地 - Calculation of Land7. 開塞 - Opening and Debarring8. 壹言 - Unification of Words9. 錯法 - Establishing Laws10. 戰法 - Method of Warfare11. 立本 - Establishment of Fundamentals12. 兵守 - Military Defence13. 靳令 - Making Orders Strict14. 修權 - Cultivation of the Right Standard15. 來民 - Encouragement of Immigration16. 刑約 - Compendium of Penalties17. 賞刑 - Rewards and Punishments18. 畫策 - Policies19. 境內 - Within the Borders20. 弱民 - Weakening the People21. [Lost]22. 外內 - External and Internal Affairs23. 君臣 - Prince and Minister24. 禁使 - Interdicts and Encouragements25. 慎法 - Attention to Law26. 定分 - Fixing of Rights and Duties