دانلود کتاب Letters & Numbers
by Zachary K. Hubbard
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This book is also written for the coincidence theorist, who has been programmed by the lying liars on the television and in the media, and has learned to believe that the number of “coincidences” presented in the media is the way in which the world operates, which is by “coincidence”, which it is not. Take for example the story of Mason Wells, the Mormon missionary who survived the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Paris attack of Friday, November 13, 2015, and the Brussels, Belgium bombing of March 22, 2016, at least if you believe the long nose lying media. This type of detrimental programming and mind control over the gullible masses must be broken, and that is exactly what this book will do for any coincidence theorist who reads it. If you’re reading this now, and identifying as one of the many living and breathing coincidence theorists, I assure you that you are being mocked, and it is not beneficial to you, or anyone else, other than the tyrants who are getting away with it. So please, read on, and you will be converted from a coincidence theorist, to a much more fulfilling and powerful position, a truth seeker, and hopefully in time, a truth speaker. What is ahead, will reward all inquiring minds, this is my guarantee. Thank you, and God bless you.