دانلود کتاب Creative and daring spaces in speculative theology: Literary strategies for doctrinal self-authorization in Julian of Norwich’s “A Revelation of Love” and Marguerite Porete’s “The Mirror of Simple Souls”
by Jonathan Juilfs
عنوان فارسی: فضاهای خلاقانه و جسورانه در الهیات نظری: استراتژیهای ادبی برای تأیید خودکامه در جولیان نورویچ "آشکارسازی عشق" و "آینه ارواح ساده" Marguerite Porete |
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Such textual and conceptual comparisons between Julian's Revelation and Marguerite's Mirror are instructive because they travel together (The Mirror in Middle English translation) in one surviving fifteenth-century manuscript, an historical curiosity that suggests that at least one Carthusian compiler read or heard thematic relationships between the two textual traveling companions. Such a rare opportunity for comparative investigation of two very sophisticated texts ultimately renders various insights into how two clever, female interpreters of Scripture in the later Middle Ages elaborated on and challenged popular orthodoxies currently circulating among both the laity and the clergy of the late-medieval Church.