دانلود کتاب The Property-Owning Democracy: Freedom and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century
by Gavin Kerr
عنوان فارسی: دموکراسی مالکیت دارایی: آزادی و سرمایه داری در قرن بیست و یکم |
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جزییات کتاب
Drawing on ideas and arguments identifiable within a particular branch of the left-libertarian tradition, the book develops market democratic interpretations of the ideas of predistribution and the property-owning democracy, and presents a powerful case for an institutional reform which constitutes a genuinely progressive alternative to more familiar social democratic institutions. By identifying progressive predistributive institutions as essential conditions both for the effective protection of 'market freedom' and for the maximization of the substantive opportunities of the least advantaged members of society, the book shows how these institutions may be justified on grounds which both classical and social liberals may reasonably be expected to endorse.
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