جزییات کتاب
For the first time in digital publishing, Delphi Classics is proud to present the complete works of Aristotle. The Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin and Greek texts. This comprehensive eBook presents rare works, beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)Please note: some Kindle software programs cannot display Greek characters correctly, however they do display correctly on Kindle devices.* Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Aristotle's life and works* Features the complete works of Aristotle, in both English translation and the original Greek* Concise introductions to the treatises and other works* Provides all of the spurious works in English translation, many appearing for the first time* Includes translations previously appearing in Loeb Classical Library editions of Aristotle’s works* Excellent formatting of the texts* Easily locate the section or works you want to read with individual contents tables* Includes Bekker reference numbers to aid study* Features five bonus biographies, including Diogenes Laërtius’ famous biography – immerse yourself in Aristotle's ancient world!* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genresPlease visitwww.delphiclassics.comto browse through our range of exciting titles, including the Complete Works of PlatoCONTENTS:The TranslationsLOGICCategories (1a)On Interpretation (16a)Prior Analytics (24a)Posterior Analytics (71a)Topics (100a)Sophistical Refutations (164a)PHYSICSPhysics (184a)On the Heavens (268a)On Generation and Corruption (314a)Meteorology (338a)On the Universe (391a)On the Soul (402a)The Parva NaturaliaSense and Sensibilia (436a)On Memory (449b)On Sleep (453b)On Dreams (458a)On Divination in Sleep (462b)On Length and Shortness of Life (464b)On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration (467b)On Breath (481a)History of Animals (486a)Parts of Animals (639a)Movement of Animals (698a)Progression of Animals (704a)Generation of Animals (715a)On Colours (791a)On Things Heard (800a)Physiognomonics (805a)On Plants (815a)On Marvelous Things Heard (830a)Mechanics (847a)Problems (859a)On Indivisible Lines (968a)The Situations and Names of Winds (973a)On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias (974a)METAPHYSICSMetaphysics (980a)ETHICS AND POLITICSNicomachean Ethics (1094a)Great Ethics (1181a)Eudemian Ethics (1214a)On Virtues and Vices (1249a)Politics (1252a)Economics (1343a)RHETORIC AND POETICSRhetoric (1354a)Rhetoric to Alexander (1420a)Poetics (1447a)Constitution of the AtheniansThe Greek TextsPRONOUNCING ANCIENT GREEKLIST OF GREEK TEXTSThe BiographiesARISTOTLE: LIVES OF THE EMINENT PHILOSOPHERS by Diogenes LaërtiusARISTOTLE by Elbert HubbardARISTOTLE by Charles McRaeARISTOTLE AND ANCIENT EDUCATIONAL IDEALS by Thomas DavidsonARISTOTLE by William MacGillivrayPlease visitwww.delphiclassics.comto browse through our range of exciting titles
درباره نویسنده

اَرَسطو یا ارسطاطالیس (; زبان یونانی: Ἀριστοτέλης، تلفظ [aristotélɛ:s], Aristotélēs؛ تلفظ: آریستوتِلِس، زادهٔ ۳۸۴ ق.م.