جزییات کتاب
This IEG evaluation, requested by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors, represents the first independent evaluation of the PSIA experience. The evaluation finds that: • The PSIA approach has appropriately emphasized the importance of assessing the distributional impact of policy actions, understanding institutional and political constraints to development, and building domestic ownership for reforms • PSIAs have not always explicitly stated their operational objectives (i.e., informing country policies, informing Bank operations, and/or contributing to country capacity) • PSIAs have had limited ownership by Bank staff and managers and have often not been effectively integrated into country assistance programs • Quality assurance and Monitoring and Evaluation of the overall effectiveness of PSIAs have been weak The evaluation recommends that the World Bank: • Ensure that Bank staff understand what the PSIA approach is and when to use it • Clarify the operational objectives of each PSIA and tailor the approach and timeline to those objectives • Improve integration of the PSIA into the Bank’s country assistance program by requiring that all earmarked funding for PSIAs be matched by a substantial contribution from the country unit budgets • Strengthen PSIA effectiveness through enhanced quality assurance
درباره نویسنده

بانک جهانی یک موسسه مالی بینالمللی است که به منظور پیگیری پروژههای سرمایهای، به دولتهای کشورهای کمدرآمد و متوسط وام اعطا میکند. این مرکز شامل دو مؤسسه است: بانک بینالمللی بازسازی و توسعه (IBRD) و انجمن توسعه بینالملل (IDA). بانک جهانی بخشی از گروه بانک جهانی است و یکی از سه رکن برتون وودز را تشکیل میدهد.