عنوان فارسی: رسمی ایدئولوژی ΧΡΥΣΗΣ سحر از ΜΙΧΑΛΟΛΙΑΚΟΥ سند رسمی |
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Golden Dawn remained largely on the margins of far-right politics until the Macedonia naming dispute in 1991 and 1992.[51] The Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia reported that on 10 October 1992, about 30 Golden Dawn members attacked students at the Athens University of Economics and Business during a massive demonstration against the use of the name Macedonia by the Republic of Macedonia.[54] Around the same time, the first far-right street gangs appeared under the leadership of Giannis Giannopoulos, a former military officer who was involved with the South African Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) during the 1980s.[51] After the events of 1991 and 1992, Golden Dawn had gained a stable membership of more than 200 members, and Giannopoulos rose within the party hierarchy.[51] Golden Dawn ran in the 1994 European Parliament election, gaining 7,264 votes nationwide; 0.1% of the votes cast.[55]
During the 1980s the party embraced Hellenic Neopagan beliefs, praised the Twelve Olympians and described Marxism and liberalism as "the ideological carriers of Judeo-Christianity".[56] The party went through ideological changes later and welcomed Greek Orthodox Christianity.[57]
A number of Golden Dawn members participated during the Bosnian War in the Greek Volunteer Guard (GVG), which was part of the Drina Corps of the Army of Republika Srpska. A few GVG volunteers were present in Srebrenica during the Srebrenica massacre, and they raised a Greek flag at a ruined church after the fall of the town.[58] Spiros Tzanopoulos, a GVG sergeant who took part in the attack against Srebrenica, said many of the Greek volunteers participated in the war because they were members of Golden Dawn.[59] Golden Dawn members in the GVG were decorated by Radovan Karadžić, but, according to Charis Kousoumvris, a former member of Golden Dawn, those who were decorated, later left the party.[59]
In April 1996, Giannopoulos represented the party at a pan-European convention of far-right nationalist parties in Moscow, where he presented a bust of Alexander the Great to Liberal Democratic Party of Russia leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky for his birthday.[51] Golden Dawn participated in the 1996 legislative election in September, receiving 4,487 votes nationwide; 0.07% of the votes cast.[60] In October 1997, Giannopoulos published an article in Chrysi Avgi magazine calling for nationalist vigilantism against immigrants and liberals.[61] In 1998, a prominent party member, Antonios Androutsopoulos, assaulted Dimitris Kousouris, a left-wing student activist. The resulting media attention, along with internal party conflicts (due to poor results in the 1996 elections), led some of its most extreme members to gradually fade from official party affairs.[51]
Androutsopoulos finally surrendered in 2005 and was convicted of the attempted murder of Kousouris and another two left-wing activists, for which he received a 21-year prison term. The rest of the members of the squad that hit Kousouris were never legally prosecuted. In March 2009, Androutsopoulos appealed his sentence and received 12 years, to be finally released from prison a few months later. Meanwhile, Golden Dawn continued to hold rallies and marches, and it ran in the 1999 European election in an alliance with the Front Line party, gaining 48,532 votes nationwide; 0.75% of the votes cast.[51][62] In 2005, Eleftherotypia reported that Golden Dawn members distributed homophobic flyers during the first pride parade held in Athens.[63]
2005 onwards
Golden Dawn demonstration in 2012, with some of the demonstrators carrying a sign reading "You will find me dead for Greece! – Honor and glory to our dead – 'Stochos' "
According to Golden Dawn's leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, the party suspended its own autonomous political activities after 1 December 2005 because of clashes with anarchists.[64] Golden Dawn members were instructed to continue their activism within the Patriotic Alliance party, which was very closely linked to Golden Dawn.[65][66] The former leader of Patriotic Alliance, Dimitrios Zaphiropoulos, was once a member of Golden Dawn's political council, and Michaloliakos became a leading member of Patriotic Alliance.[52] There were accusations that the "Patriotic Alliance" was simply the new name of Golden Dawn.[67] Activities by Patriotic Alliance's members were often attributed to Golden Dawn (even by themselves), creating confusion.[66] This is the main reason Golden Dawn's members announced the withdrawal of their support of the Patriotic Alliance, which eventually led to the interruption of Golden Dawn's political activities.[68][69] In March 2007, Golden Dawn held its sixth congress and announced the resumption of their political and ideological activism.[70][third-party source needed]
In May 2012, WordPress shut down Golden Dawn's official website and blog due to death threats against Xenia Kounalaki, a journalist.[71][72][73]
In 2018, Ilias Kasidiaris, a leading member of the party, declared himself an admirer of the Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and added that the only non-hypocritical European countries were those of Visegrad. He asked why Muslim migrants did not go to Saudi Arabia or other islamic countries, and explained "We at Golden Dawn want to give priority to Christian asylum seekers. And, in any event, Greece cannot continue to welcome everyone in. If we ever get into power, we will put economic migrants in jail, instead of hosting them in hotspots, as Syriza does."[74]
In an article in March 2019, the leader of the party, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, concluded that "The only way to stop the destruction of our nation is to fight hard in order to make our Fatherland a national state again, a Greece that will belong to the Greeks."[75]
#golden #dawn #michaloliakos #kasidiaris #ideology #nazism #neonazism #europe
Ο Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος – Χρυσή Αυγή, συχνά αποκαλούμενος απλά ως Χρυσή Αυγή, είναι ελληνικό ακροδεξιό πολιτικό κόμμα.[4][20]
Ιδρύθηκε το 1980[21] από τον Νίκο Μιχαλολιάκο ως οργάνωση με ναζιστικό χαρακτήρα, προσανατολισμένη γύρω από την έκδοση ομώνυμου περιοδικού. Ανέπτυξε τη δράση της στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1990, περίοδο έντασης του Μακεδονικού ζητήματος. Έκτοτε καταγγέλθηκαν δεκάδες βίαιες επιθέσεις Χρυσαυγιτών εναντίον μεταναστών και Ελλήνων. Το 1998 απαγγέλθηκαν κατηγορίες για μια τέτοια επίθεση στον υπαρχηγό της οργάνωσης, «Περίανδρο» Ανδρουτσόπουλο, που ήταν καταζητούμενος για εφτά χρόνια. Η ΧΑ δημιούργησε συγγενικές οργανώσεις, όπως τη «Γαλάζια Στρατιά» στο χώρο οπαδών της εθνικής ομάδας ποδοσφαίρου και το κόμμα «Πατριωτική Συμμαχία». Μετά τις αντιδράσεις για το σχεδιασμό ενός «φεστιβάλ μίσους» το 2005, ο Ανδρουτσόπουλος παραδόθηκε οικειοθελώς (και καταδικάστηκε) και η ΧΑ ανακοίνωσε ότι θα ανέστειλε τη δράση της, που συνεχίστηκε μέσα από την «Πατριωτική Συμμαχία».
Από τη δεκαετία του '90[22] οι εκπρόσωποι της ΧΑ έχουν παύσει τις αναφορές στο ναζισμό και αυτοπροσδιορίζονται συστηματικά ως «εθνικιστές».[23] Η ΧΑ εξακολουθεί να θεωρείται φασιστική[24] και νεοναζιστική οργάνωση,[4][5][6][25][26][27][7][28][29][30] από δημοσιογράφους, ερευνητές, πολιτικούς αναλυτές και πολιτικούς επιστήμονες, που αναφέρονται στα σύμβολά της, τις ιστορικές αναφορές της και την ιδεολογία της. Έχει κατηγορηθεί για εξτρεμιστική δράση,[23][31][32][33] άσκηση ρατσιστικής βίας, ακόμα και για δολοφονικές απόπειρες,[34][35][36] όπως και τη δολοφονία του Παύλου Φύσσα. Από το 2003 ως το 2014 έχουν εκδοθεί 20 καταδικαστικές αποφάσεις για εγκληματικές ενέργειες και επιθέσεις μελών και στελεχών της Χρυσής Αυγής.[37]
Το 1993 ιδρύθηκε ως κόμμα, αλλά η συμμετοχή της σε εκλογές ήταν ανεπιτυχής. Από το 2009 η ΧΑ ανέπτυξε τη δράση της σε γειτονιές του κέντρου της Αθήνας, όπως ο Άγιος Παντελεήμονας, και στις αυτοδιοικητικές εκλογές του 2010 κέρδισε μία έδρα στο δημοτικό συμβούλιο του δήμου Αθηναίων. Στις βουλευτικές εκλογές του Μαΐου 2012 εισήλθε για πρώτη φορά στο κοινοβούλιο, παίρνοντας ποσοστό σχεδόν 7%,[38] το οποίο διατήρησε στις βουλευτικές εκλογές των επόμενων τριών χρόνων (τον Ιούνιο του 2012 και τον Ιανουάριο και το Σεπτέμβριο του 2015), αν και ο αριθμός των ψήφων που έλαβε μειώθηκε.
Το Σεπτέμβριο του 2013, μετά από μια σειρά βίαιων επιθέσεων χρυσαυγιτών που κορυφώθηκαν με τη δολοφονία του Παύλου Φύσσα, εισαγγελικές έρευνες στοιχειοθέτησαν την κατηγορία της σύστασης εγκληματικής οργάνωσης και συνελήφθησαν από την αντιτρομοκρατική υπηρεσία ο αρχηγός της οργάνωσης, βουλευτές και στελέχη της.[39][40] Συνολικά 69 πρόσωπα παραπέμφθηκαν σε δίκη,[41] που ξεκίνησε στις 20 Απριλίου 2015.[42]