جزییات کتاب
作为一本专为二十几岁女性打造的青春励志宝典,本书没有连篇累牍的赘述,没有空洞严肃的说教,有的只是妙趣横生的叙述和睿智机敏的谈笑;没有拐弯抹角的影射,没有含蓄高深的论述,有的只是一针见血的揭露、机智幽默的点评、轻松愉悦的表述、鼓舞人心的励志,如清冽绿茶,又似浓香咖啡,令你于茶余饭后,卧榻之侧,无论随意浏览,抑或细细品味,皆能赏心悦目,开悟清神。"临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网",自己的幸福应该自己做主,自己的前途还得自己买单。拥有这本别出心裁、与众不同的女性励志书,相信你在亲自研读感悟之后,将会对人生有个全新的认识,对未来有个清醒的把握。那么,还等什么,赶快与我们一道,加入这场充满智慧与美、激情与活力的美妙盛宴吧。(As a youth inspirational bible specially designed for the female at their twenties, this book does not have any lengthy and tedious narrations, as well as does not have any empty and serious lectures; on the contrary, this book only has the dialogues sparkling with wit and the casual talks full of wisdom and smartness. Actually, there is no roundabout insinuation, no implicit and profound discourse; there is only the direct incisive disclosure, the wise & humorous comment, the relaxing & cheerful expression and the inspiring encouragement. This book is like a cup of cool green tea and hot coffee full of strong aroma so that you can read it casually or carefully after dinner or...