جزییات کتاب
First-available English translation of one of Neruda's earliest works, his third book of poems, a work Neruda called "one of the most important books of my poetry." Captures Neruda at his most experimental and avant-garde, giving English-language readers a side of the famous poet never seen before. This is the book Neruda originally published after his most popular book, Twenty Love Poems, and represents his transition from to his mature, most recognizable style. This edition will mirror the 1926 Spanish-language original with its distinct cover and interior design. Book is timed for simultaneous publication with Copper Canyon Press's Book of Twilights, Neruda's first book, which they are bringing out in its first-ever English translation. We will be coordinating closely with CC on publicity efforts. The Essential Neruda, published by City Lights in '04, has sold 90,000 copies to date and continues to sell 7-8,000 copies a year. Mark Eisner, editor of The Essential Neruda, will provide an intro to this book, explaining the book's significance in Neruda's ouevre and the translation. Mark Eisner has become an authoritative voice on all things Neruda; a biography of Neruda from Eisner is forthcoming from Ecco. Eisner has also been working on a documentary on Neruda's life. Bilingual presentation.
درباره نویسنده

پابلو نرودا (به اسپانیایی: Pablo Neruda) (زادهٔ ۱۲ ژوئیه ۱۹۰۴- در گذشتهٔ ۲۳ سپتامبر ۱۹۷۳) نام مستعار نویسندگی ریکاردو الیسر نفتالی ریس باسوآلت (به اسپانیایی: Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto) دیپلمات، سناتور و شاعر نوگرای شیلیایی و برنده جایزه ادبیات نوبل بود.