دانلود کتاب Coconuts and Kettlebells
by Noelle Tarr
عنوان فارسی: نارگیل و Kettlebells |
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To eat your way to better health, you don™t need to limit your calorie intake, or cut out carbs or fat. You don™t need to count "points." Better health doesn™t come from limits. It comes from focusing on the quality of food that you eat”not the quantity. Instead of limiting your food intake you should be enriching it, argue Noelle Tarr and Stefani Ruper. The popular hosts of the Well-Fed Women Podcast want you to focus on the good things you eat. They want to make sure you get enough food so that your body has the fuel and nourishment it needs to support a healthy, long, and energetic life.
Noelle and Stefani know about eating for health firsthand. They, too, struggled with confusing and frustrating medical conditions, including infertility, digestive issues, acne, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, and anemia. They discovered that the secret to improving wellness was actually more food: they ditched the diet books, calorie counters, and scales, and started eating their way to health.
In Coconuts and Kettlebells, you™ll eat at least 2,000 calories a day thanks to a delicious selection of dishes that are all gluten-free, grain-free, and paleo. Within those 2,000 calories, setting a minimum intakes of protein, fat, and carbohydrates instead of the usual maximums will ensure that your diet is full of nutrients, while also providing flexibility to enjoy what you™re eating. Noelle and Stefani identify the Big Four foods”grains, dairy, vegetable oils, and refined sugar”that cause the most health problems among women. While many diets require you to eliminate these foods entirely, Coconuts and Kettlebells provides an easy-to-follow step-by-step program to test these foods and determine which you need to cut back on”and which you don™t”to feel better.