جزییات کتاب
The purpose of this book is to show that the possession cult of Vimbuza presents itself as an oral genre which is part and parcel of African Oral Literature. The ethnolinguistic study which we undertake will permit us to catch a glimpse of its whole complexity. The analysis has a bearing on four principal aspects. Historical developments: a certain number of facts concerning the birth of possession among the Tumbuka; possession: the study attempts to show how the cult articulates itself with its beliefs and the use of divination; the social role: analysis of social functions; the style: an ana. Read more...
درباره نویسنده

بازار (از پهلوی: ch بهاچار، به معنی: جایِ بها/قیمت) در شهرهای زیادی از خاورمیانه، آسیا، آفریقا و بخشیهایی از اروپا، به مرکز اصلی بازرگانی شهر یا روستا گفته میشود.