دانلود کتاب SDRsharp - The Big Book v4.0
by Paolo Romani (IZ1MLL)
عنوان فارسی: SDRsharp - کتاب بزرگ نسخه 4.0 |
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did not exist, I decided to write one myself, little by little... remembering that no book is for everyone,
but for all guys, there is this book just waiting to be read...
The following pages are the result of years of listening, dedication, passion and a great deal of
personal commitment in the search for the best possible configurations and optimizations, as well as
operational suggestions that I have collected and typographically highlighted in blue italics and, at
the bottom, also a useful mini glossary with a reference on individual terms, indicated by (*), for check
the definition.
Happy reading and good listening with “Software Defined Radio” to all those who believe in it,
because when we switch on our new SDR we will be able to easily understand that this world really
has many faces, but only one heart. SDRSharp (or SDR#) is the most complete freeware software,
performing, integrated, continuously updated and customizable (with plugins for every need) for all
RTL-SDR dongles and of course for AIRSPY devices. Many thanks to Youssef Touil and to all those
who interacts with SDR# on a daily basis, and there are so many, because it really is a common learning
and growing experience for all of us.
The reference site (restyling on 29 sept.2021) is only: https://airspy.com/