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اگر شما به دنبال یک راهنمای کامل و جامع برای تسلط بر دنیای ویکا هستید این کتاب برای شماست.
در این کتاب شما شروع به آموختن ویکا می کنید و مهارت و شایستگی های ویکا را کسب می کنید.
در این کتاب ۴ در ۱ خواهید دید:
راهنمای کامل برای شروع جادوی عملی، جادوی شمع و جادوی گیاهی.
طلسم و جادوگری را به سبک مدرن ویکا شرح می دهد.
فهرستی از جادوی گیاهان برای طلسم های ساده.
تمرینات ساده ی جادویی.
جادوی کریستال ها.
Summary by aidsaida06
If you are looking for a complete guide to master the Wicca world and being able to practice as an experienced Wiccan, then keep reading. 4 Manuscripts in 1 Book. With this complete Book you not only start to experience Wicca, you will acquire skills and competences. This collection has the objective to give to increase your knowledge of Wicca in a very detailed way. Lisa Shadows will be a guide for anyone who will want to practice Wicca through a complete course of 4 books in 1. Wicca is a collection of knowledge and wisdom from the wonderful world of magic. Wicca is a spiritual and nature-oriented religion that is quickly gaining popularity in the modern world. Wicca isn't just a religion--it's a journey through the soul and it's very rewarding. In this box set you will find: Wicca for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Starting Practical Magic, Herbal Magic, and Candle Magic. Learn Wicca Spells and Witchcraft in the New Century. Wicca Herbal Magic: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Herbal Magic, with a List of Magic Herbs to Start Simple Magic Spells. Wicca Candle Magic: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Candle Magic, with Wiccan Practices and Simple Magic Spells. Wicca Crystal Magic: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Crystal Magic, With an Illustrated List of Magic Crystals to Start Simple Magic Spells Wicca for Beginners will introduce you to all the wonders of modern Wicca, but it will also take you back in time to see where it all began. Wicca has a very colorful history, and to fully understand the importance of its survival in the new world, you must learn the struggle it went through to get here. I'll show you all the beliefs and wonders that come with the Wiccan tradition. Wicca Herbal Magic brings you close to nature and shows you the magic that exists all around us. You'll learn how to give back to the universe through creating your own garden. A witch's garden is a sacred and rewarding thing, and it is the best way for you to thank the Earth for all it does for us. Wicca Candle Magic is the very embodiment of the power of Elements. The universe is made up of the Elements and performing candle magic is a rewarding task. You can learn about the power and importance of the Elements and the role they play in modern Wicca. You will also learn how to make your own candles for spells and rituals. Wicca Crystral Magic help you overcome your stress by showing you what crystals to buy and how to incorporate them into your life. Magic is a wonderful thing, It exists all around us, and all you need to do is realize that it's there to be used. Through this book you can learn that it's for everyone. The magic world of Wicca is waiting for you! With this book, you will get into the Wicca Universe but it is just the beginning, select the "buy now bottom" and get ready for a magic trip.