جزییات کتاب
Today's project management practitioner works on joint projects characterized by cultural diversity. Teamwork is their only hope for success. This powerful third installment in The Human Aspects of Project Management Series will help readers understand the stages of team development, build strong project teams, select, organize and prepare a team for success, and develop a matching skill and responsibility matrix. After reading this book, project leaders should feel confident in their abilities to facilitate open and effective communication, develop trust and motivation, and develop appropriate styles and strategies to suit any project. Content: Front Matter • Preface • Table of Contents 1. Change Management, Project Management, and Teamwork 2. Team Dynamics and Cultural Diversity 3. Effective Team Building 4. Developing Effective Project Teams 5. Inspiring High Team Performance 6. From Self-Managed Work Teams to Self-Motivated Project Teams Appendix: Self-Assessment Exercise Index
درباره نویسنده

ورمانت (به انگلیسی: Vermont) () از ایالتهای آمریکا واقع در منطقه نیوانگلند در شمالشرق آمریکا است. این ایالت از جنوب با ایالات ماساچوست، از شرق با نیوهمپشایر، از غرب با ایالت نیویورک، و از شمال با استان کبک کانادا هممرز است.