دانلود کتاب Stacy Kneeshaw Jett - jett888 - Updated - Cancer Healing Protocol (Stage 3/4 Late stage metastasized melanoma )
by Stacy Kneeshaw Jett, Stacy Kneeshaw, Stacy Jett, jett888, Dr Max Gerson, Johanna Budwig, Raymond Francis, Burton Goldberg
عنوان فارسی: Stacy Kneeshaw Jett - jett888 - به روز شده - پروتکل درمان سرطان (مرحله 3/4 مرحله آخر ملانوم متاستاز شده) |
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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9BYFkv691E
My name is Stacy Kneeshaw Jett, and my youtube channel is "jett888" .
I am a competitive athlete ( horse racer long distance ) and was extremely fit when I was diagnosed with cancer. Over-exercise is not good for you. I am a 1985 graduate of San Diego State University in California.
In 2003 I was diagnosed with Malignant melanoma cancer- for 9 months I worked with my doctors to get rid of it. The cancer eventually "metastasized" to the lower ilium- and I was told I had to have surgery, chemo, radiation ; and at best less than 2 years to live. I've been healthy alive and thriving for over 18 years now.
People must know: Our minds thoughts are one of our strongest healing tools EVER! This is why the conventional medical establishment has cast FEAR into our belief system about Dis-ease.
We are electrical beings! Our thoughts even have a frequency- so its all about keeping a high vibrational status. ( alkaline, positive, oxygenated- rested, loved, hydrated, fed/ nourished, at ease⚘)
Our bod!es have an amazing ability to heal- EXCEPT when we believe we are in danger or in fear of losing our lives- then this fear stops the important vibrations of hope/love/ knowledge from healing. This is alI by des!gn as d!sease is big business.
Acknowledge the thing that was an 'unexpected shock" (which started an actual healing process for your mind/body/spirit which they call "d!sease") then give your body the nutrition it needs to repair cells.
I opted not to. I literally walked out my doctors doors- never to return.
Nick Halloway: Stacy, did u do any chemotherapy or radiation treatments ?
Stacy Kneeshaw Jett:
NO!! And I am so fortunate for not having done so as my immune system (the one thing we need to deal with cancer) would have been compromised. I allowed my body to do the annihilating of cancer- through nutrition and supplementation and mental imagery. The body wants to heal- we just have to get out of the way and allow it to. :~}
People must know: Our minds & thoughts are one of our strongest healing tools EVER! This is why the conventional medical establishment has cast FEAR into our belief system about Dis-ease.
Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal- EXCEPT when we believe we are in danger or in fear of losing our lives- then this fear stops the important vibrations of hope/love/ knowledge from healing. This is alI by design as disease is BIG MONEY business.
Acknowledge the thing that was an 'unexpected shock" (which started an actual healing process for your mind/body/spirit which they call "dis-ease") then give your body the nutrition it needs to repair cells.
Looking back, I believe cancer ( or Dis-ease) begins with an Unexpected SHOCK EVENT- one we just don't seem able to deal with- look into Dr Ryke Hamer's German New Medicine concept - it is Incredible/ empirical information- he describes the WHY behind our Dis-eases- and if we realized the truth- none of us would seek outside assistance again.
I did my research, put it to use and was cancer free in less than 3 months. I have yet to be back to the doctor (any doctor) except for the 1 time to do the testing which showed me to be "cancer free."
It is now May of 2018 (over 15 years) - I have had a total of 3 colds since then.
I would like to make another video updating all I have learned and all that I would do today if I was told "You have cancer" (or any dis-ease for that matter).
But in this video- I'm just showing all the things I did and used- and my mindset which allowed my body to heal itself. Please contact me if you have any questions or need help figuring out how to achieve true health. It's within each and every one of us to be healthy- we have the power.
Such a sad state of affairs with Western Medicine that's become like "the money lenders in the temple".
Those who have faced life threatening diseases or injuries have come to view the world in a different way.
I did have a scan and blood test. My entire case is documented.
The CT, PET scan and AMAS test: "No sign of disease (NSD) detected"- and since then, I've competed in my grappling/jui-jitus, raced my running races raced & train my horses in 50 milers- and I'm not dead.
I think we need to go a little more from "how we feel and our energy level" - than relying so much on tests, scans and doctor appointments.
If we are doing what we would be doing if we KNEW we had cancer- is there really any reason to increase our anxiety and fear load by visiting doctors?
We need to first realize:
*We have a god given right to be healthy.
* We have the ability to heal.
* Toxins out / Nutrients in
( its actually that simple)
* Toxins out (includes toxic people & emotions)/ Nutrients in
It's interesting to me that Neither my radiologist or oncologist asked me what i did to get rid of my cancer- I had declined their insistence on surgery and chemo & the cancer was gone in 3 months- you'd think they would have asked me what I did. IF they were truly interested in to know more. But they didn't. The John Wayne Cancer institute does check to see if i'm still alive- i wrote them telling them i was still alive, cancer free & again, no curiosity at all.
My oncologist doctor said (after I explained what I was doing)
"Well, whatever it is, keep it up" Nothing else- no: "Really?? Do you care to share this on paper so I may look into it..." But even if they did seem interested or curious- they still couldn't share that with a client- well, they could, but they'd be taking a risk of losing their license as natural solutions don't fall under the: "Chemo, Surgery, Radiation are the only treatments they are allowed to offer for cancer"
May YOU BE HEALED physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally.
-Stacy Kneeshaw Jett
"Never Be Sick Again" , by Raymond Francis
"Never Fear Cancer Again" , by Raymond Francis
Burton Goldberg's book "Alternative Medicine.
Christ the Healer , by FF Bosworth
Gerson Therapy, Dr Max Gerson
Prof. Johanna Budwig Protocol
Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine by former NY congressman Daniel Haley
Stacy Kneeshaw Jett
What I really want to convey is that we all have an incredible ability to heal. Our minds are the best tool to use but we must change the indoctrinated belief that we need doctors to heal.
This is very difficult to convey because we've been led to believe that cancer and diseases just happen to us randomly or they have a genetic link. We have been taught how scary and deadly cancer is. This belief system has been drilled into us.
Most cancers are a biological process whose purpose is to heal the organism or to buy time to heal. Cancer is a wake-up call that we need to change our thinking or lifestyle.
Most cancers begin with an UNEXPECTED SHOCK or event which affects our mind/ body/ spirit simultaneously. ( it can be seen in a brain scan where the exact body part connected to the brain is effected.) If we could realize this and comprehend that we need to come to terms with how this specific event deeply affected us, our body and thinking process would resolve this inner biological conflict. Healing begins once we acknowledge this hurt. Nutrition supports the cells which need to do the repair.
The problem (for the medical cartel) is that this resolution is free. This is what they don't want you to discover. YOU have the power to heal. When we feed our mind, body, and spirit we heal. When we connect back to nature we heal.
The fear instilled by the media and medical cartel about cancer creates even more conflicts- and secondary cancers.
Disease is a BIG Business!! The "authorities" have a motive to keep us stuck in the indoctrinated belief system.
Fear is one of the biggest enemies for healing as it releases adrenaline- a stress hormone. Adrenaline is to cancer what gasoline is to fire. Being told you have a specific time to live (like they told me) makes it so- if you have been indoctrinated to believe doctors have the "authority" over your healing. You're best to avoid doctors (unless you need traumatic emergency care).
Everything has a vibration. We want to stay in a high vibrational frequency.
Fear, negativity, processed food, drugs/ pharmaceuticals, certain music, negative words, certain visuals are of low vibrations.
Herbs, plants, positive thoughts/ people, sounds of nature, clean REAL foods, natural ground (walking barefoot), are all healing and positive/ high vibrations.
Once we realize that what we think, believe and do can all be used towards HEALING we can heal. Have faith and trust in yourself. Seek goodness and positivity. KNOW you are the light.
-Stacy Kneeshaw Jett
Rose Vile, they do, but their hands are tied to REALLY do what's right. Breaking from the system, and breaking from the incorrect belief system is a must in order to truly free ourselves from something that truly is not real.
When we finally realize Cancer (what is really a :"Biological process" which is just trying to help us deal with the stress..) we can get rid of the FEAR and actually continue forward in our lives- making the needed changes- to have a better life.
"Cancer" is merely a wake up call. It forces us to LOOK at what's really upset us. Once we acknowledge this- then we HEAL!!!
Just the very words "you have Cancer" is in itself enough to create a whole other set of symptoms.
But if we learned the truTH behind healing and disease- we would just acknowledge it, and move on to be a healthier us.
Only by giving something power over us can it control us.