دانلود کتاب (My Version) the Best 17Th Century Alabama and Mississippi Black Cooks: First Thanksgiving and Christmas Emanuel Cookbook
by Sharon Kaye Hunt
عنوان فارسی: (نسخه من) بهترین آشپزهای سیاه آلاباما و می سی سی پی قرن هفدهم: اولین روز شکرگزاری و کتاب آشپزی امانوئل کریسمس |
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The first Thanksgiving of the Pilgrims has made history since 1621. In the history books, no mention has been made of the slaves' Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners, who came with the French and Spanish explorers to the Alabama and Mississippi area as early as 1540s. Even though, the slaves were under harsh measures, their food heritage from West Africa and Ethiopia continue to be popular in Alabama and Mississippi. Slavery was very harsh, however, the slaves were able to create meals from what ever was available. The slaves carved cooking and eating utensils from wood from different varieties of trees. Even though the slaves were treated terribly and prohibited from reading, writing, or going to church, the slaves were able to get patents and serve in the Civil War.