دانلود کتاب Stilus - modus - usus: Regeln der Konflikt- und Verhandlungsführung am Papsthof des Mittelalters - Rules of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at the Papal Court in the Middle Ages
by Jessika Nowak, Georg Strack
عنوان فارسی: Stilus - modus - usus: قواعد مذاکره و حل تعارض در دادگاه پاپ در قرون وسطی |
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This volume (the first of two) publishes the results of a research network funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Through analysis of the concept(s) of the 'stilus curiae', the chapters throw new light on a wide range of sources from the High and Late Middle Ages, including chronicles, biographic and polemic texts, as well as administrative sources, such as letters of petitioners and proctors, speeches, and financial records of ambassadors. Thus, the volume offers a new approach towards the papacy between 1100 and 1500.