جزییات کتاب
The enemy were overpowered and took to flight. The Romans pursued as far as their strength enabled them to run' Between 58 and 50 BC Julius Caesar conquered most of the area now covered by France, Belgium and Switzerland, and invaded Britain twice, and "The Conquest of Gaul" is his record of these campaigns. Caesar's narrative offers insights into his military strategy and paints a fascinating picture of his encounters with the inhabitants of Gaul and Britain, as well as lively portraits of the rebel leader Vercingetorix and other Gallic chieftains. "The Conquest of Gaul"can also be read as a piece of political propaganda, as Caesar sets down his version of events for the Roman public, knowing he faces civil war on his return to Rome. Revised and updated by Jane Gardner, S. A. Handford's translation brings Caesar's lucid and exciting account to life for modern readers. This volume includes a glossary of persons and places, maps, appendices and suggestions for further reading.
درباره نویسنده

گایوس ژولیوس سزار (به لاتین: Gaius Iulius Caesar، تلفظ: گایوس یولیوس کایسار) یا ژول سزار یا قیصر (زادهٔ ۱۲ یا ۱۳ ژوئیه ۱۰۰ پیش از میلاد - درگذشتهٔ ۱۵ مارس ۴۴ پیش از میلاد) «دیکتاتور» و رهبر نامدار سیاسی و نظامی جمهوری روم بود.