دانلود کتاب Biography of Mrs. J. H. Conant, the World's Medium of the Nineteenth Century
by John Day, Theodore Parker, Allen Putnam
عنوان فارسی: بیوگرافی خانم J. H. Conant، رسانه جهانی قرن نوزدهم |
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The accompanying biography is so simply and lucidly told, that it will explain itself to the reader, and needs no comments in advance.
A few words relating to its authorship and the circumstances of its production, may properly come from one who read it while in manuscript, but was in no way connected with its production. I am told, and believe, that spirit Theodore Parker outlined and dictated its essential substance, and may be deemed its responsible producer.
She is presented only as a medium, through whom light and information from the spirit world have more or less directly reached the minds of millions upon earth, and of whose mediumistic life hundreds of thousands will be glad to learn.
The peculiar properties, gifts, utterances, labors, sufferings, and fame of its subject give to the work its chief interest. It is a simple, straight-forward narrative, even though a dead man here describes the life lines of a living woman.
Prophets and seers, through all the ages, have generally had singular and hard experiences. This “World’s Medium” furnishes no exception to the general rule.
Objection was made to styling Mrs. Conant the “World’s Medium” on the title page. The reply was that for many years the doors of her circle room have, tri-weekly, been thrown freely open to the world—to all comers whatsoever, and that it is in this sense only—viz., her accessibility by the world, and the extent to which the world has approached her, that she is here called the World’s Medium. She has been the channel through which more than ten thousand different spirits have sent messages to their kindred and friends on earth. No claim is made here, even by implication, that she is the world’s greatest or its best medium — but only that she has been put more at the service of the broad world than any other.