جزییات کتاب
"Seen through the thick end of a schnapps bottle, the idea of driving to a music festival near Timbuktu was idiot-proof. Then dawn arrived with a clunk; West Africa? No matter where I turned, the reading was equally grim... Daniel Houghton: murdered as he begged water from a well near Simbing. Mungo Park: overcome by paranoia and slaughtered at Bussa Rapids. Gordon Laing: strangled and beheaded outside Timbuktu. Hugh Clapperton: crippled with malaria and dysentary, rotted to death. Richard Lander: sent temporarily insane and forced to consume bowls of poison by the king of Badagari. I'd yanked my reading classes from my nose and gawped through the window. Did I really want to drive through this hell?" In his Toyota 4x4, with his wife and two friends, James Marr heads overland in the foosteps of 18th and 19th century explorers. Along the way he loses his passport in the sand, ruptures his fuel tank, fortifies his...
درباره نویسنده

جیمز پل مارسدن (به انگلیسی: James Paul Marsden) (زاده ۱۸ سپتامبر ۱۹۷۳) بازیگر آمریکایی است.