دانلود کتاب Opera Omnia (t. 1): De controversiis Christianæ Fidei adversus hujus temporis hæreticos
by Bellarmine, St. Robert, S.J., 1542-1621
عنوان فارسی: Opera Omnia (t. 1): در مورد مناقشات ایمان مسیحی علیه بدعت گذاران این زمان |
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Contains St. Robert's famous "[Caput XXX. Solvitur Argumentum Ultimum, et Tractatur Quaestio: An Papa Haereticus Deponi Possit](https://modernism.us.to/De%20Romano%20Pontifice%20XXX.html)." (PDF pp. 211-12).
Contains his [*Papal Error?*](https://isidore.co/calibre/#panel=book_details&book_id=5524) (lib. IV)
*De Monachis* c. 37 (ref:40.215→ref:40.236) is whether " *Licere coniugatis ex consensu vovere continentiam,* " which concludes by citing St. Augustine, [*De sermone Domini in monte* lib. 1 cap. 14](https://www.augustinus.it/latino/montagna/montagna_1_libro.htm#SD_001_014_039):
> Beatiora sane coniugia iudicanda sunt, quae sive filiis procreatis, sive etiam ista terrena prole contempta, continentiam inter se pari consensu servare potuerint, quia neque contra illud praeceptum fit quo Dominus dimitti coniugem vetat—non enim dimittit qui cum ea non carnaliter sed spiritaliter vivit—, et illud servatur quod per Apostolum dicitur: *Reliquum est ut qui habent uxores tamquam non habentes sint* (1 Cor. 7:29).
> [[William Findlay's transl.](https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/16011.htm):] More blessed indeed are those marriages to be reckoned, where the parties concerned, whether after the procreation of children, or even through contempt of such an earthly progeny, have been able with common consent to practise self-restraint toward each other: both because nothing is done contrary to that precept whereby the Lord forbids a spouse to be put away (for he does not put her away who lives with her not carnally, but spiritually), and because that principle is observed to which the apostle gives expression, *It remains, that they that have wives be as though they had none.*
[*De Laicis, sive Secularibus*](https://isidore.co/calibre/#panel=book_details&book_id=5351) (ref:41.138→ref:42.213), unlike Vatican II's [*Apostolicam actuositatem*](https://www.dominicansavrille.us/little-catechism-of-the-second-vatican-council-part-eight-the-nine-decrees/#easy-footnote-9), treats the laity from the perspective of politics, which is truly their domain ( **ToC:** post **ref:34.28** ).
ref:41.143: " *An politica potestas sit bona* "
ref:41.171 [c. 4, p. 7] cited in Cranny [*The Moral Obligation of Voting*](https://isidore.co/calibre/#panel=book_details&book_id=5603).
ref:52.214 is Scriptural index