جزییات کتاب
Under the supervision of John McNeill, a team of expert Latinists and Calvin scholars worked to produce what has become the definitive English edition of the "Institutes". All previous editions were consulted; references and notes were verified; and new bibliographies were added. The translation itself preserves the strength and vividness of Calvin's prose, while not flinching from breaking up overly long sentences to conform to modern English usage, or, wherever possible, rendering technical theological terms in simple language.
درباره نویسنده

ژان کالوَن (به فرانسوی: Jean Calvin) (زادهٔ ۱۵۰۹ - درگذشتهٔ ۱۵۶۴) ،اصلاحطلب مذهبی و متکلم بنیادگرای فرانسوی که از رهبران سرشناس فرقهٔ پروتستان بهحساب میآمد.