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Dr. Max Gerson's life story deserves to be told. He was a pioneer physician ofdietary therapy for chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer, recognizingthe value of good nutrition in enabling the healing process and maintaininggood health. He was also what one might classify as a health ecologist, a practitionerof environmental medicine, concerned about the adverse effects of modem technologyupon the natural world and the human body. And he was possibly the firsttruly holistic physician to practice in the United States, in the time just before holisticmedicine became the watchword for a new medical philosophy that addressedthe whole person, integrating body, mind and spirit. Gerson called his own approachto medicine "totality"- originally known as Ganzlidt in his homeland, Germany .•Many alternative or complementary practitioners now employ parts of theGerson's dietary and detoxifying therapies, often without recognition of theirsource, yet a large body of scientific literature published in the 1920s and 1930s confirmsGerson's pioneering work in diet therapy - work that might have been recognizedwith a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine had the political situationgone very differently in his native Germany prior to World War ll under Nazi rule... or had the American medical profession, after this German-Jew fled Nazi persecutionto the United States in the mid 1930s, been more open to investigating themethods and results of his treatment of cancer and other intractable, degenerativediseases. Few if any references to Gerson's name and work can be found inAmerican medical literature after 1946, unless they are defamatory.The sheer immensity of Dr. Gerson's achievements is staggering. He was ableto prevent and cure, not simply arrest or slow, a wide range of degenerative diseases,including the top four killers in the United States-heart attack, cancer, strokeand diabetes - which together account for between two and three million deathsannually. Dr. Gerson also had remarkable success in treating rheumatoid arthritis, mu1-tiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, multiple chemical sensitivity and other immune system-connected or toxin-associated disorders. He did this without the financial or academicsupport of any university, government, institute or laboratory- working alone,while treating patients and maintaining a practice-though for brief periods of time,small private foundations did provide limited support. Yet Dr. Gerson's name remainsunmentionable in medical literature, even as his principles regarding the importanceof diet as prevention of and therapy for a wide variety of diseases are becoming acceptedas standard medical thinking. His emphasis for health maintenance on sticking to asaltless, low-fat, largely vegetarian diet with ample fresh fruits and vegetables andwhole-grain products, with no (or much restricted) stimulating or alcoholic drinks, nolonger seems threatening to the establishment, but for over 6o years, the medical, pharmaceuticaland governmental health authorities in the United States and abroad haveseemingly done their utmost to maintain a total blackout on Gerson's therapies. Clinicshave been shut down and physicians expelled from practice when they began to usethe Gerson's therapeutic methods, specifically as a cure for cancer.