جزییات کتاب
NOTE T HESE chapters were originally published during 1907 and 1908 in Success Maga· z£ne. Though frankly journalistic in tone, the book presents something more than the hasty conclusions of a journalist. During its preparation the author travelled around the world, inquiring into the problem at first hand in China and in England, reading all available printed mat· ter which seemed to bear in any way on the subject. and interviewing several hundred gentlemen who have had special opportunities to study the problem from various standpoints. The writing was not begun until this preliminary work was completed and the natural conclusions had become convictions in the author's mind. Table of Contents
درباره نویسنده

ساموئل یروینیان (به ارمنی: Սամվել Երվինյան) (زاده ۲۵ ژانویه ۱۹۶۶ - ایروان) آهنگساز و نوازنده ویلون اهل ارمنستان است.