جزییات کتاب
This book contains important papers on the mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of bulk NS materials. The advanced properties include strength, ductility, strain-hardening, fatigue, dynamic, creep and toughness, etc. These properties are important for the ultimate structural applications of bulk NS materials. The mechanical properties of these materials are determined by their specific deformation mechanisms (such as boundary-dominated deformation) due to the very small grain size in comparison with coarse-grained counterparts. The 20 invited papers are divided between two chapters: Advanced Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials and Deformation Mechanisms of Bulk Nanostructured Materials. This work should be read by all of those wishing to improve mechanical properties without having to consider entirely new alloys. Content:• Front Matter • Preface • Table of Contents •Part I. Advanced Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials 1. On the Conflicts in the Experimental Results Concerning the Mechanical Properties of Ultra-Fine Grained and Nanostructured Materials: Effects of Processing Routes and Experimental Conditions 2. On the Cyclic Deformation Response and Microstructural Mechanisms of ECAPed and ARBed Copper - An Overview 3. The Effect of Grain Boundary State on Deformation Process Development in Nanostructured Metals Produced by the Methods of Severe Plastic Deformation 4. Improvement of Fracture Toughness (K1c) of 7075 Al Alloy by Cryorolling Process 5. The Influence of Stacking Fault Energy on the Cold-Rolling Cu and Cu-Al Alloy: Structure and Mechanics Properties 6. Influence of Annealing on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Nickel 7. Mechanical Behaviors of Electrodeposited Bulk Nanocrystalline Metals and Alloys 8. Microstructure and Microhardness of a Nanostructured Nickel-Iron Based Alloy 9. Mechanical and Functional Properties of Titanium Alloys Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation 10. Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behaviour of Nanostructured and Ultrafine Structured TiAl Alloys Synthesised by Mechanical Milling of Powders and Hot Isostatic Pressing •Part II. Deformation Mechanics of Bulk Nanostructured Materials 11. Structure Evolution and Deformation Resistance in Production and Application of Ultrafine-Grained Materials - The Concept of Steady-State Grains 12. Stages of Plastic Deformation in Metallic Nanocrystals 13. Tensile Deformation Behaviors of Ultra-Fine Subgrained Aluminum 14. Deformation Mechanisms in Nanocrystalline Nickel at Low Temperatures 15. Kinetic Modeling of the Deformation Behavior of High-Strength Nanostructured Al-Mg Alloys 16. Vortices and Mixing in Metals during Severe Plastic Deformation 17. Process Design Concepts for the Production of Ultrafine Grained Steels through Multi-Pass Warm Rolling: Bridging Science and Technology 18. Grain Refinement in Commercial Purity Titanium Sheets by Constrained Groove Pressing 19. Achievable Strength of Nanostructured Composites with Co-Deformable Components 20. Thermal Stability of Fine Grains as a Function of Process Parameters in FSW Butt Joints Keywords Index Authors Index
درباره نویسنده

ژائو هاولانژ (به پرتغالی: João Havelange) (زاده ۸ می ۱۹۱۶ - ۱۶ اوت ۲۰۱۶) ژانماری فاستین گودفروید هاولانژ (به پرتغالی: Jean-Marie Faustin Goedefroid Havelange) از سال ۱۹۷۴ تا ۱۹۹۸ به مدت ۲۴ سال رئیس فیفا بود.