جزییات کتاب
This book consists of selected material from the out-of-print industry standard, Underground Mining Methods Handbook. More than 40 chapters covering such underground mining topics as sampling, planning, reserve analysis, cost calculations, various methods of support, block and panel caving, and sublevel caving make up this comprehensive text. Numerous tables and figures enhance the extensive material found in each chapter. An excellent teaching tool and source book, this book is a must for any mining student or engineer. Content: Front Matter • Preface • Table of Contents •Section 1. Overview 1. Ore Reserve Calculation 2. Choosing an Underground Mining Method 3. General Mine Planning 4. Sampling, Dilution, and Recovery •Section 2. Methods Requiring Minimum Support 5. Room-and-Pillar Method of Open-Stope Mining 6. Production Methods of Noncoal Room-and-Pillar Mining 7. Open Stope Mining at the Magmont Mine, Bixby Missouri 8. Sublevel Stoping 9. Considerations for Sublevel Stoping 10. Excavation Design and Mining Methods in the 1100 Orebody, Mount Isa Mine, Australia 11. Stråssa Mine 12. Sublevel Stoping at the EB Massive Reefs at Loraine Gold Mines, Ltd. 13. Large Blasthole Stoping at Rødsand Gruber, Norway 14. Vertical Crater Retreat: An Important Mining Method 15. Crater Blasting Method Applied to Pillar Recovery at Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. 16. Cost Calculations for Sublevel Longhole Stoping 17. Cost Estimation for Sublevel Stoping - A Case Study •Section 3. Stopes Requiring Additional Support other than Pillars 18. Shrinkage Stoping: An Introduction 19. Shrinkage Stoping at the Crean Hill Mine 20. Shrinkage Stoping at the Idarado Mine 21. Cost Calculations for Mechanized Shrinkage Stoping 22. Cut-and-Fill Stoping: An Introduction 23. Principles of Stope Planning and Layout for Ground Control 24. Cut-and-Fill at Mount Isa Mines Ltd. 25. The Zinc Corporation, Ltd., and New Broken Hill Consolidated, Ltd. 26. Cut-and-Fill Stoping at Star Mine 27. Cut-and-Fill Stoping at Lucky Friday Mine 28. Cut-and-Fill at the Bruce Mine 29. Cut-and-Fill at Homestake Mining Co. 30. Cost Calculations for Highly Mechanized Cut-and-Fill Stoping 31. Undercut-and-Fill Mining: An Introduction 32. Undercut-and-Fill Mining as Practiced by Homestake Mining Co. 33. Undercut-and-Fill Mining at Falconbridge Mine of Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. 34. Cost Calculations for Underhand Cut-and-Fill Mining •Section 4. Sublevel Caving 35. Sublevel Caving: An Introduction 36. The Mechanics and Design of Sublevel Caving Systems 37. Sublevel Caving at Craigmont Mines Ltd. 38. Sublevel Caving at the Stobie Mine, Inco Metals Co. 39. Sublevel Caving at LKAB's Kürunavaara Mine 40. Planning Economics of Sublevel Caving •Section 5. Block and Panel Caving 41. Block Caving: General Description 42. Climax Panel Caving and Extraction System 43. San Manuel Mine 44. The Henderson Mine Index
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