جزییات کتاب
This book contains 29 select papers spanning over 40 years that deal with urban water resources. For the past four decades, members of the ASCE Urban Water Resources Research Council (UWRRC) have made extraordinary contributions to the field of urban water resources planning, design, and management. They have collaborated to prepare reports, technical memoranda, conference proceedings, and other documents on wide-ranging subjects. This book documents these four decades of unique contributions by the UWRRC, with papers that are as timely and provocative today as when they were first published. Readers will be struck by the foresight and perspectives of the Council members from decades ago on such subjects as: drainage and flood control, stormwater quality management, water supply planning, risk assessment, public involvement and participation, and the role of the water engineer in society. This book presents the evolution and primary underpinnings of urban stormwater management, and will be beneficial to all stormwater management professionals
درباره نویسنده

IDE مخفف کلمهٔ انگلیسی Integrated Development Environment است و در بخش کدنویسی توسعهٔ نرمافزار به معنی محیط یکپارچه توسعهٔ نرمافزار تفسیر میشود.