جزییات کتاب
In 1950 St John's College marked the centenary of William Wordsworth's death with a day of talks and celebrations, focusing on the poet's connections with the college and the University. This volume of material taken from the college magazine The Eagle describes college life in the poet's time and reproduces speeches and toasts given on the commemoration day by the Master, Fellows and guests. It also includes a record by the famous bibliographer A.N.L. Munby of the items with Wordsworth connections owned by St John's: an inscribed copy of his Poetical Works, which he gave to the College in 1832, a number of other first editions, and of course his signature in the college register. The book concludes with a descriptive catalogue of 34 known portraits of Wordsworth taken from life, some of which are reproduced in this volume.
درباره نویسنده
انتشارات دانشگاه کمبریج (به انگلیسی: Cambridge University Press) یک ناشر دانشگاهی وابسته به دانشگاه کمبریج است که در سال ۱۵۳۴ میلادی توسط هنری هشتم تأسیس گردید.