جزییات کتاب
If you've always wondered how crosswords and other word puzzles are made, or you've thought of trying your hand at it yourself, this book explains the craft step-by-step: how to put words and black squares together, write clues, and market the finished product. There's little to compare with the thrill of entertaining millions of people -- and getting paid in the bargain!If you're new to puzzle solving, you'll find many helpful tips to get you started or improve your skills. If you regularly solve the crosswords in your newspaper but are mystified by diagramless puzzles, acrostic puzzles, or cryptic crosswords, this book will help you tackle these challenging and entertaining variations.An introduction by the New York Times crossword editor, Will Shortz, and a fascinating history of word puzzles and luminaries round out the Random House Puzzlemaker's Handbook, making it the complete cruciverbalist's reference -- the only book of its kind.
درباره نویسنده

ملروز، مینهسوتا (به انگلیسی: Melrose, Minnesota) یک شهر در ایالات متحده آمریکا است که در شهرستان استیرنز، مینهسوتا واقع شدهاست.