جزییات کتاب
Milton Now: Alternative Approaches and Contexts offers twelve new essays that engage topics, contexts, and approaches rarely broached in the study of John Milton. Taking their inspiration from the twenty-fifth anniversary of the influential collection Re-membering Milton: Essays on the Texts and Traditions, these essays deploy a wide array of methodologies, including historicist, neo-Marxist, psychoanalytic, formalist, feminist, and queer. They explore an even wider range of topics, including secularism, time, poetics, mathematics, class, incarceration, women writers, libertinism, sexuality, slavery, race, and cross-dressing. -- from back cover. Read more... Abstract: By bringing together Milton specialists with other innovative early modern scholars, the collection aims to embrace and encourage a methodologically adventurous study of Milton's works, analyzing them both in relation to their own moment and their many ensuing contexts. Read more...
درباره نویسنده

خاکِستَری به هرگونه طیف از رنگهای میان سیاه و سفید گفته میشود. در کل به رنگ سیاه، سفید، و پردههای گوناگونِ خاکستریِ میان آن دو، رنگهای خنثی گفته میشود.