جزییات کتاب
Content: Transmission infrared spectroscopy for high surface area oxides / Michael L. Hair -- Applications of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to studies of adsorbed species / Alexis T. Bell -- Organic monolayer studies using Fourier transform infrared reflection spectroscopy / D.L. Allara -- Intermolecular interactions and the infrared reflection-absorption spectra of chemisorbed carbon monoxide on copper / P. Hollins and J. Pritchard -- Investigation of carbon monoxide on nickel(100) by infrared ellipsometric spectroscopy / J.D. Fedyk and M.J. Dignam -- Surface electromagnetic wave spectroscopy / R.J. Bell, R.W. Alexander, Jr., and C.A. Ward -- Raman spectroscopic studies of surface species / B.A. Morrow -- Investigations of adsorption centers, molecules, surface complexes, and interactions among catalyst components by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy / K. Klier -- The application of high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy to the characterization of adsorbed molecules on rhodium single crystal surfaces / L.H. Dubois and G.A. Somorjai -- An electron energy loss spectroscopic investigation of the adsorption of nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen on the basal plane of ruthenium / Patricia A. Thiel and W. Henry Weinberg -- Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy / John Kirtley -- Neutron scattering spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules / H. Taub.
درباره نویسنده

کیمبرلی الکسیز بلدل (به انگلیسی: Kimberly Alexis Bledel) (متولد ۱۶ سپتامبر ۱۹۸۱) یک بازیگر و مانکن آمریکایی است.