جزییات کتاب
این کتاب در مورد موج ها و ساختار ها وکاربرد ان ها در صوت شناسی میباشددید کلی کتاب موازی با(به همراه)روابط ریاضی بیان شده اند بیشتر مثال های مهم در قسمت اول کتاب میباشد ودر قسمت دوم بیشتر به کابرد های این مثال ها(مثال هایی از موج وساختار)در صوت شناسی غیر خطی اشاره دارد این برای فارغ التحصیلان وکسانی که نزدیک به فارغ التحصیلی هستند مناسب میباشداین کتاب همچنین میتواند برای مهندسان ومحققان مفید باشد.

Summary by lyndon186457239
"Waves and Structures in Nonlinear Nondispersive Media: General Theory and Applications to Nonlinear Acoustics”is devoted completely to nonlinear structures. The general theory is given here in parallel with mathematical models. Many concrete examples illustrate the general analysis of Part I. Part II is devoted to applications to nonlinear acoustics, including specific nonlinear models and exact solutions, physical mechanisms of nonlinearity, sawtooth-shaped wave propagation, self-action phenomena, nonlinear resonances and engineering application (medicine, nondestructive testing, geophysics, etc.).This book is designed for graduate and postgraduate students studying the theory of nonlinear waves of various physical nature. It may also be useful as a handbook for engineers and researchers who encounter the necessity of taking nonlinear wave effects into account of their work.Dr. Gurbatov S.N. is the head of Department, and Vice Rector for Research of Nizhny Novgorod State University. Dr. Rudenko O.V. is the Full member of Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of Department at Moscow University and Professor at BTH (Sweden). Dr. Saichev A.I. is the Professor at the Faculty of Radiophysics of Nizhny Novgorod State University, Professor of ETH Zürich.