جزییات کتاب
What if you discovered a vehicle that would actually drive you through your purpose driven life? Imagine That will give you all you need to know to begin your journey and complete it. Packed with the latest discoveries in quantum physics and the applied sciences you will have ample evidence both from the secular fields and fresh insights into Biblical passages that will release your creativity. Dianoia (the Greek word for imagination) will become a dear friend of yours to help you fulfill your destiny. You will learn how vital strong emotions are in order to experience manifestations or desired results in your life. You will understand the importance of your self-talk and speech, but how good confession alone without the ingredient of your imagination will only frustrate your efforts. It will surprise you what the greatest discovery of this generation is and how you and everyone else have access to it!
درباره نویسنده

دیوید دی فریدمن (انگلیسی: David D. Friedman؛ زاده ۱۲ فوریهٔ ۱۹۴۵(1945-02-12)) اقتصاددان، دانشور حقوق، فیزیکدان و نظریهپرداز لیبرترین اهل ایالات متحده آمریکا است.