جزییات کتاب
TABLE OF CONTENTS Participants of the Special Year in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. ..... ..... ...... ............... vii Program of the Special Year in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems .................................... ix A Characterization of Those Processes Finitarily Isomorphic to a Bernoulli Shift Daniel J. Rudo .................................... Finitarily Splitting Skew Products D. S. Lind............................................ 65 Disjointness of Measure-preserving Transformations, Minimal Self-Joinings and Category AndY'es del Junco ..................................... 81 Continuous Homomorphisms of Bernoulli Schemes A. del Junco, M. Keane, B. Kitchens, B. MaY'cus, and L. Swanson ........................................... 91 Projective Swiss Cheeses and Uniquely Ergodic Interval Exchange Trqnsformations Wi lliam A. Veech ..................................... 113 When All Points are Recurrent/Generic Yitzhak Katznelson and Benjamin p/eiss ............. 195 Singularities in Classical Mechanical Systems RobeY't L. Devaney .................................... 211