جزییات کتاب
The Paribhasendusekhara by Nagesa is the most widely studied text in the field of grammatical Paribhasa. Numerous commentaries have been written on it. In addition, an excellent english translation was published more than a century ago by one of the most oustanding scholars of Sanskrit grammar, Franz Kielhorn. Yet the portion dealing with the Bahiranga Paribhasa. This is shown in the present book. In order to arrive at the correct interpretation of this paribhasa as conceived by Nagesa, the text of the Paribhasendusekhara is studied in great detail. Bronkhorst attempts to show that a recent text could be misunderstood by all who studied it. This has the revelance for the whole of Indology, demonstrating that the much lauded teacher-pupil relationship cannot be always be relied upon