جزییات کتاب
Volume I of Talking about Chinese Culture has all-total 10 lessons, which introduce some common Chinese cultural phenomenon such as the ways of greeting and etiquette, human relationship, modesty and courtesy, the concept of classes, as well as some typical characteristics of Chinese people such as implicitness, self-pride, focus on spiritual power, less care of benefit, implied meaning beyond words, etc. A variety of language practicing drills in each lesson provide trainings for acquiring Chinese words, grammar, sentences , expressing in monologue, and discussions with given cultural topics。 All of these help the Chinese language learners consolidate what theyve learned, train their speaking abilities, and at the same time help the learners gain initial understanding of Chinese customs and cultural essence.Volume II of Talking about Chinese Culture has all-total 10 lessons. In coherence with Volume I, it introduces the taboo topics, gestures and body language in communication with Chinese, the concept of conformity and family, the merit of respecting the old, and some characteristics of Chinese people such as forbearing, good balancing and coordination, etc, as well as the change of contemporary society and the fast-pace life. A variety of language exercises provide trainings for acquiring Chinese words, grammar, sentences , expressing in monologue, and discussions with given cultural topics. All of these help the Chinese language learners consolidate what theyve learned, train their speaking abilities, and at the same time help the learners gain initial understanding of Chinese customs and cultural essence.《说汉语谈文化(上)(第2版)》是《说汉语,谈文化》(第二版)的上册,共10课,分别介绍了与中国人交往中的常见话题,中国文化中的客套和礼节、人情和关系、自谦和敬人、等级观念,以及中国人含蓄、自尊、注重精神力量、言不及利、意在言外等特点。每课含有丰富的练习题,练习的内容从词汇、语法、句子到成段表达、文化讨论,使学习者既巩固了语言知识,又训练了口语表达能力,还对中国社会交际习俗和文化内涵有了初步的了解。本书第二版分为上、下两册,可供每周4学时,每学期18~20周的课堂教学使用一年若每周8学时,则可用一学期。若每周课堂教学时间少于4学时,可将第三部分的阅读篇章安排学生自学。本书也可供希望学习汉语并了解汉文化习俗的外国朋友自己阅读、学习。每册最后还附有每课部分的词语和语法练习答案,可供参考。本书系统介绍中国人日常交际中的文化习俗及文化知识, 有效进行循序渐进的实用汉语口语成段表达训练。本书共10课,分别介绍了与中国人交往中的常见话题,中国文化中的客套和礼节、人情和关系、自谦和敬人、等级观念,以及中国人含蓄、自尊、注重精神力量、言不及利、意在言外等特点。每课含有丰富的练习题。