جزییات کتاب
Content: Chapter 1 Introduction (pages 1–2): Chapter 2 Growth Factors in Mammalian Embryogenesis (pages 3–22): John K. Heath and Anthony R. ReesChapter 3 The EGF Receptor Kinase: Evidence for Allosteric Activation and Intramolecular Self?Phosphorylation (pages 23–45): Y. Yarden and J. SchlessingerChapter 4 Role of Growth Factors in Oncogenesis: Growth Factor?Proto?Oncogene Pathways of Mitogenesis (pages 46–65): Jung San Huang and Shuan Shian HuangChapter 5 Signalling Mitogenesis in 3T3 Cells: Role of Ca2+?Sensitive, Phospholipid?Dependent Protein Kinase (pages 66–86): Enrique Rozengurt, Angeles Rodriguez?Pena and James Sinnett?SmithChapter 6 The PDGF?Inducible ‘competence genes’: Intracellular Mediators of the Mitogenic Response (pages 87–97): Megan Callahan, Brent H. Cochran and Charles D. StilesChapter 7 Platelet?Derived Growth Factor: Its Potential Roles in Wound Healing, Atherosclerosis, Neoplasia, and Growth and Development (pages 98–112): Russell Ross, Daniel F. Bowen?Pope and Elaine W. RainesChapter 8 Nerve Growth Factor (pages 113–128): Hans Thoenen, Sigrun Korsching, Rolf Heumann and Ann AchesonChapter 9 The Role of Haemopoietic Cell Growth Factor (Interleukin 3) in the Development of Haemopoietic Cells (pages 129–147): T. M. Dexter, C. M. Heyworth and A. D. WhettonChapter 10 Haemopoietic Growth Factors: Structure and Receptor Interactions (pages 148–168): Antony W. BurgessChapter 11 In vivo Effects of the Insulin?Like Growth Factors (IGFs) in the Hypophysectomized Rat: Comparison with Human Growth Hormone and the Possible Role of the Specific IGF Carrier Proteins (pages 169–187): J. Zapf, E. Schoenle and E. R. FroeschChapter 12 Protein Phosphorylation and Growth Control (pages 188–205): Tony Hunter, Christopher B. Alexander and Jonathan A. CooperChapter 13 Receptors for the Phorbol Promoters Ester Tumour (pages 205–223): Peter M. Blumberg, Karen L. Leach, Bernhard Konig, Arco Y. Jeng and Nancy A. SharkeyChapter 14 Ectopic Peptides Released by a Human Melanoma Cell Line that Modulate the Transformed Phenotype (pages 224–240): Joseph E. De Larco and Dennis A. PigottChapter 15 A Growth Regulatory Factor That Can Both Inhibit and Stimulate Growth (pages 241–269): Robert W. Holley, Julia H. Baldwin, Sybil Greenfield and Rosemary Armour