جزییات کتاب
In western philosophy today, the three leading approaches to normative ethics are those of Kantian ethics, virtue ethics and utilitarianism. In recent years the debate between Kantian ethicists and virtue ethicists has assumed an especially prominent position. The twelve newly-commissioned essays in this volume, by leading scholars in both traditions, explore key aspects of each approach as related to the debate, and identify new common ground but also real and lasting differences between these approaches. The volume provides a rich overview of the continuing debate between two powerful forms of enquiry, and will be valuable for a wide range of students and scholars working in these fields.
درباره نویسنده

لورنس استرن(به انگلیسی: Laurence Sterne) (زاده ۱۷۱۳ - درگذشت ۱۷۶۸) رماننویس و کشیش انگلیسی-ایرلندی کلیسای انگلیکان که به خاطر رمان زندگی و عقاید آقای تریسترام شندی شناخته میشود.