جزییات کتاب
The Programmer's Manual is one of four manuals that constitute the documentation for NASTRAN,the other three being the Theoretical Manual, the User's Manual and the Demonstration ProblemManual. The Programmer's Manual is divided into seven major sections: Section l, NASTRAN Program-ming Fundamentals; Section 2, Data Block and Table Descriptions; Section 3, Subroutine Descriptions;Section 4, Module Functional Descriptions; Section 5, NASTRAN - Operating System Interfaces; Section6, Modifications and Additions to NASTRAN; and Section 7, NASTRAN Support Programs.Section l is a general overview of the program, and as such it should be read as backgroundmaterial for all sections which follow.Section 2 contains descriptions of the data blocks, which are the principal means of datacommunication between the program's functional modules (a module is defined to be a group of sub-routines which perform a specific function) and the NASTRAN Executive System. Two indexes for thedata block descriptions, one sorted alphabetically on data block names and the other sorted alpha-betically on the names of the modules from which the data blocks are output, are given in Sections2.2.1 and 2.2.2 respectively. Section 2 also contains a) descriptions of tables, both core andnoncore resident, maintained by the NASTRAN Executive System and b) descriptions of miscellaneoustables which are accessed by a class of modules. Alphabetical indexes for these tables are givenat the beginning of Sections 2.4 and 2.5 respectively.Sections 3 and 4 contain descriptions of the (utility or general purpose) subroutines andmodules of NASTRAN respectively. The reader is directed to the alphabetical indexes, sorted onentry point names, in Sections 3.2 and 4.1.3 respectively for these sections. An index to theModule Functional Descriptions, sorted alphabetically on module names, is given in Section 4.1.2.The reader is urged to read the introductory material to Sections 3 and 4 before using thesesections.Section 5 treats computer and operating system dependent matters such as operating systemcontrol cards and generation of the absolute (executable) NASTRAN system.Section 6 describes the means by which modifications and additions to NASTRAN are implemented.Section 7 describes several auxiliary programs used to maintain or interface with NASTRAN.The learning of any new system, whether it be an operating system or a large applicationssystem like NASTRA_I,is made more difficult than it ought to be because of the use by the designersof the system of new mnemonics, acronyms, phrases and "buzz" words. In order to aid the reader in learning such commonly used NASTRAN terms, a single source reference, Section 7, the NASTRAN Dictionary, of the User's Manual is provided. The programmer is advised to secure a copy of at least this section of the User's Manual for his day-to-day reference. NASTRAN terms, a single source reference, Section 7, the NASTRANDictionary, of the User's Manual is provided. The programmer is adivsed to secure a copy of atleast this section of the User's Manual for his day-to-day reference.