جزییات کتاب
دانشمند مشهور Rene de Borst و تیم او در کتاب “تحلیل المان محدود غیرخطی جامدات و سازهها” براساس دو کتاب اصلی نوشته شده توسط Mike Crisfield و یادداشتهای سخنرانی او، یک نسخه فشرده و کاملا بهروزشده را ارائه میدهد که مورد درخواست دانشجویان و مهندسان بر اساس ویرایش نخست محبوب Cridfield میباشد.
همراه با اطلاعات بهروز و جدید متعدد، نویسندگان جدید محتوای اصلی را حفظ کردهاند، درحالیکه بر روی تحولات جدید ایدهها، تمرکزی بهبودیافته به ارمغان آوردهاند. این نسخه آخرین بینشها در زمینه تکنولوژی المان محدود غیر خطی شامل استراتژیهای راه حل غیر خطی، پلاستیسیته محاسباتی، مکانیک آسیب، اثرات وابسته به زمان، هایپرالاستیسیته و فشار بزرگ الاستو پلاستیسیته را ارائه میدهد.
Built upon the two original books by Mike Crisfield and their own lecture notes, renowned scientist Rene de Borst and his team offer a thoroughly updated yet condensed edition that retains and builds upon the excellent reputation and appeal amongst students and engineers alike for which Crisfield's first edition is acclaimed.Together with numerous additions and updates, the new authors have retained the core content of the original publication, while bringing an improved focus on new developments and ideas. This edition offers the latest insights in non-linear finite element technology, including non-linear solution strategies, computational plasticity, damage mechanics, time-dependent effects, hyperelasticity and large-strain elasto-plasticity.The authors' integrated and consistent style and unrivalled engineering approach assures this book's unique position within the computational mechanics literature.Key features:Combines the two previous volumes into one heavily revised text with obsolete material removed, an improved layout and updated references and notationsExtensive new material on more recent developments in computational mechanicsEasily readable, engineering oriented, with no more details in the main text than necessary to understand the concepts.Pseudo-code throughout makes the link between theory and algorithms, and the actual implementation.Accompanied by a website (www.wiley.com/go/deborst) with a Python code, based on the pseudo-code within the book and suitable for solving small-size problems. Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures, 2nd Edition is an essential reference for practising engineers and researchers that can also be used as a text for undergraduate and graduate students within computational mechanics.Content: Chapter 1 Preliminaries (pages 1–29): Chapter 2 Non?linear Finite Element Analysis (pages 31–62): Chapter 3 Geometrically Non?linear Analysis (pages 63–111): Chapter 4 Solution Techniques in Quasi?Static Analysis (pages 113–141): Chapter 5 Solution Techniques for Non?linear Dynamics (pages 143–166): Chapter 6 Damage Mechanics (pages 67–218): Chapter 7 Plasticity (pages 219–280): Chapter 8 Time?dependent Material Models (pages 281–304): Chapter 9 Beams and Arches (pages 305–342): Chapter 10 Plates and Shells (pages 343–362): Chapter 11 Hyperelasticity (pages 363–399): Chapter 12 Large?strain Elasto?plasticity (pages 401–424): Chapter 13 Interfaces and Discontinuities (pages 425–440): Chapter 14 Meshless and Partition?of?unity Methods (pages 441–472): Chapter 15 Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis (pages 473–507):
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