دانلود کتاب The Dawkins Delusion?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine
by Alister McGrath
عنوان فارسی: داوکینز توهم ؟: بیخدا بنیادگرایی و انکار الهی |
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In fact, the strategy frenetically loved by the author is this : making the essence of the problem obscure by merely using several key expressions which were borrowed from other critical thinkers and rational scientists, without providing any rational ground for his assertive insistence. He just faked rationality. Throughout his book, his mouth is to be found, but no brain. The author has taken the stand as rhetorician, not as thinker, because he has no understanding. In MacGrath, you can see just several empty expressions, but no rational thinking itself. He can't never match or rival Dawkins in thinking, reasoning, scientific argumentation, and even aesthetical elegance. While reading this book, you can easily find out that he didn't really have any other choice but to take the strategy of sophistic word-play. This is not an honest behaviour. It can be rightly said that with his mouth of fooling around, the author has successfully indicated how groundless and thoughtless a religious person could be!
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