دانلود کتاب Adobe Flash Platform from Start to Finish: Working Collaboratively Using Adobe Creative Suite 5
by Aaron Pedersen, James Polanco, Doug Winnie
عنوان فارسی: ادوبی فلش بستر های نرم افزاری از آغاز تا پایان : همکاری و تشریک مساعی با استفاده از مجموعه Adobe Creative Suite 5 |
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I haven't gone all the way through the book but the PM stuff seems pretty good and fairly well detailed. If you want to learn how to use/develop on the Flash platform, this is not the book - look for something else. This seems to be a great book if you are a one-man/woman show (or Project manager of small Flash platform group) who is building Flash projects for hire and is just getting started or needs to tighten up their game.