جزییات کتاب
This study of the book of Obadiah emerges quite clearly from recent developments in intellectual history and particularly recent theoretical reflection on the interpretation of texts. Scholars such as Stanley Fish, Wolfgang Iser, and Umberto Eco focused critical attention on “the role of the reader” (Eco’s term) in the production of the meaning of texts. Postmodern sensibility, schooled by Jacques Derrida’s program of deconstruction, has fostered conventions of reading that assume the indeterminacy of texts and revel in textual ambiguities. Interpretive trends deriving severally from New Criticism and Russian Formalism concentrate on the aesthetic structure of the text rather than extra-textual factors influencing its composition. Professor Ben Zvi brings together these developments to form a program of interpretation directed to the ancient book of Obadiah. The heart of Ben Zvi’s proposal is to focus critical attention on the original readers of the book.
درباره نویسنده

احمد بن زینالدین احسائی (زاده:احساء ۱۱۶۶- درگذشت:مدینه: ۱۲۴۲ ق.)، معروف به «شیخ احمد احسائی»، بنیانگذار مکتب شیخیه است.