جزییات کتاب
This book aims to offer a contemporary literary interpretation of the play, including a readable discussion of its underlying historical, religious, moral, social, and mythical issues. Also, it discusses the most recent interpretative scholarship on the play, the main intertextual affiliations with earlier Thebes-related tragedies, especially focusing on Sophocles Antigone and Oedipus Tyrannus, and the literature and performance reception of the play; it contains an up-to-date bibliography and detailed indices
درباره نویسنده

سوفوکل(Sophocles) (زاده ۹۶–۴۹۷ - درگذشته زمستان ۰۵–۴۰۶ ق. م) یا سوفوکلس، یکی از سه تراژدی نویس یونان باستان است که نمایشنامههایش باقیماندهاند.