جزییات کتاب
Prior to the 2004 'eastward' enlargement of the EU, the older Member States (the EU15) voiced concerns that labour market disruption and benefit tourism would occur upon extension of the right to free movement to nationals of the eight central and eastern European accession countries (the EU8). This book analyses the citizenship status, entitlement and experience of nationals from the EU8 and the forthcoming EU2 (Romania and Bulgaria) during the transitional periods. This volume explores EU8 and EU2 nationals' legal rights to access work in the EU15, their experiences of such work in the UK and their access to and engagement with broader family and social entitlement.Citizenship, therefore, is conceptualised not merely as rights but as a practice; a real 'lived' experience. The citizenship status of migrants from the CEE Member States is shaped by formal legal entitlement, law in action, as it is implemented by the Member Sates and 'accessed' by the migrants, and social and cultural perceptions and experiences 'on the ground'. This book also analyses the broader impact that EU enlargement may have on the future development of Union citizenship.
درباره نویسنده

سامانتا کریستوفورتی (به انگلیسی: Samantha Cristoforetti) فضانورد اهل کشور ایتالیا است که در ۲۶ آوریل ۱۹۷۷(1977-04-26) میلادی در میلان زاده شد.