کتاب های A Flores

Estado general de la deuda pública en México
Reyes González, José Antonio (Coordinador); Flores Alonso, Francisco Javier (Coordinador); Romero Quintero, Juan Carlos (Coordinador), 2010
Shojo Fashion Manga Art School, Boys: How to Draw Cool Characters, Action Scenes and Modern Looks
Irene Flores, Krisanne McSpadden, 2014
Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia
Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. González, Angela P. Harris, 2012
The Pedagogy of Violent Extremism
Ygnacio Flores, 2017
La posesión en la lengua española
Concepción Company Company (Editor), Norohella Huerta Flores (Editor), 2017
Emotions and Daily Life in Colonial Mexico
Sonya Lipsett-Rivera; Javier Villa-Flores, 2014
Estudios científicos en el estado de Hidalgo y zonas aledañas
Griselda Pulido-Flores, Scott Monks, 2013
Estudios en biodiversidad
Griselda Pulido-Flores, Scott Monks, Maritza López-Herrera, 2015
Equivariant Homotopy Type of Categories and Preordered Sets
Rafael Villarroel-Flores, 1999?
Robust Modelling and Simulation. Integration of SIMIO with Coloured Petri Nets
Idalia Flores De La Mota, Antoni Guasch, Miguel Mujica Mota Miquel, Angel Piera, 2017
From Bomba to Hip-hop: Puerto Rican Culture and Latino Identity
Flores, J., 2000
Morfosintaxis del Japreria
Alexander Flores, 2002
Police Brutality: An Anthology
Jill Nelson; Robin D.G. Kelley; Richard Austin; Flores Alexander Forbes; Ron Daniels; Frank Moss; Derrick A. Bell; Claude Andrew Clegg III; Katheryn K. Russell; Patricia J. Williams; Stanley Crouch; Ishmael Reed; Arthur Doye, 2001
La agonía de Mariategui: La polémica con la Komintern
Alberto Flores Galindo, 1980
Ministerial Survival During Political and Cabinet Change: Foreign Affairs, Diplomacy and War
Alejandro Quiroz Flores, 2016
Ministerial Survival During Political and Cabinet Change: Foreign Affairs, Diplomacy and War
Alejandro Quiroz Flores, 2016
Curriculum for culturally responsive health care: the step-by-step guide for cultural competence training
Flores, Hector; Mitchell, Suzanne E.; Nyquist, Julie G.; Ring, Jeffrey M.; Samaniego, Luis, 2016
The Afro-Latin@ Reader: History and Culture in the United States
Mriam jiménez Román & Juan Flores, 2010
Questioni di vita e di morte
Paolo Flores d’Arcais, 2019
Evolution, Development and Complexity: Multiscale Evolutionary Models of Complex Adaptive Systems
Georgi Yordanov Georgiev, John M. Smart, Claudio L. Flores Martinez, Michael E. Price, 2019
Questione di vita e di morte
Paolo Flores d’Arcais, 2019
New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science: Theory and Industrial Applications
Philippe Wenger, Paulo Flores (eds.), 2017