کتاب های A John Camm (auth.)

Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos
John Worrall (auth.), 1976
After Diagnosis: Family Caregiving with Hospice Patients
John G. Bruhn (auth.), 2016
Culture and Health Disparities: Evaluation of Interventions and Outcomes in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region
John G Bruhn (auth.), 2014
Structuralism: With a New Introduction by Jean-Michel Rabate, Second Edition
John Sturrock(auth.)
Functions of One Complex Variable
John B. Conway (auth.), 1973
Interfacial Transport Phenomena
John C. Slattery (auth.), 1990
An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications
John Harris (auth.), 2000
Human Artificial Insemination and Semen Preservation
John H. Olson (auth.), 1980
Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, Third Edition
John R. Fanchi(auth.), 2006
Shared Earth Modeling
John R. Fanchi (Auth.), 2002
Ethnicity, Exclusion and the Workplace
John Carter (auth.), 2003
Advanced Design of Mechanical Systems: From Analysis to Optimization
John M. Hansen (auth.), 2009
Out of the Blue: Public Interpretation of Maritime Cultural Resources
John H. Jameson (auth.), 2007
Dynamic Programming: Applications to Agriculture and Natural Resources
John O. S. Kennedy (auth.), 1986
Studies in Computer Science: In Honor of Samuel D. Conte
John R. Rice (auth.), 1994
Chromatographic Systems. Maintenance And Troubleshooting
John Q. Walker (Auth.), 1977
Metadecisions: Rehabilitating Epistemology
John P. van Gigch (auth.), 2003
Self-Producing Systems: Implications and Applications of Autopoiesis
John Mingers (auth.), 1995
Mass Transport Phenomena in Ceramics
John R. Manning (auth.), 1975
Decision Theory and Social Ethics: Issues in Social Choice
John C. Harsanyi (auth.), 1978
Pro Drupal Development
John K. VanDyk (auth.), 2008
American Foreign Policy: Carter to Clinton
John Dumbrell (auth.), 1997