کتاب های A. Ahmed (auth.)

Living a Feminist Life
Sara Ahmed, 2017
Illuminationist Texts and Textual Studies: Essays in Memory of Hossein Ziai
Ali Gheissari, Ahmed Alwishah, John Wallbridge, (Eds.), 2017
Living a Feminist Life
Sara Ahmed, 2017
The promise of happiness
Sara Ahmed, 2010
الفحص اليدوي للثغرات بتطبيقات الويب
ahmed al melegy, 2019
The p-adic Simpson Correspondence
Ahmed Abbes; Michel Gros; Takeshi Tsuji, 2016
Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition
Ahmed Alwishah, Josh Hayes (eds.), 2015
The Milesians: Thales
McKirahan, Richard; Strohmaier, Gotthard; Alwishah, Ahmed; Wöhrle, Georg (ed), 2014
The Milesians: Thales
McKirahan, Richard; Strohmaier, Gotthard; Alwishah, Ahmed; Wöhrle, Georg (ed), 2014
Ahmed Cevdet Paşa, 1980
The Colours of My Heart: Selected Poems
Faiz Ahmed Faiz, 2017
Siyasi Muslims: A Story of Political Islams in India
Hilal Ahmed, 2019
Quantification of Climate Variability, Adaptation and Mitigation for Agricultural Sustainability
Mukhtar Ahmed, Claudio O. Stockle (eds.), 2017
Information Fusion for Cyber-Security Analytics
Izzat M Alsmadi, George Karabatis, Ahmed Aleroud (eds.), 2017
A Textbook of Opthalmology
E. Ahmed, 2004
Rethinking Islam & the West: A New Narrative for the Age of Crises
Ahmed Paul Keeler, 2019
Lexique de gestion et de management
Jean-Philippe Denis, Alain-Charles Martinet, Ahmed Silem, 2016
Composites for Environmental Engineering
Shakeel Ahmed; Saif Ali Chaudhry, 2019
Siyasi Muslims: A Story of Political Islams in India
Hilal Ahmed, 2019
Corrupted MP4 Carving using MP4-karver
Ahmed Nur Elmi Abdi, 2016
The Struggle For Black Revolutionary Power
Muhammad Ahmed; Muhammad Ahmad, 1970
Vivir una vida feminista
Sara Ahmed, 2018