کتاب های A. Alexander

Modern Language Models and Computation. Theory with Applications
Alexander Meduna, Ondřej Soukup, 2017
Sowjetisch-Russische Atom-U-Boote
Alexander Antonow, Walerie Marinin, Nikolai Walujew, 2000
Pipeline to Russia: The Alaska-Siberia Air Route in World War II
Alexander B. Dolitsky, 2016
Ein Dreieck fliegt. Die Entwicklung der Delta-Flugzeuge bis 1945
Alexander Lippisch (!), 1995
Modern Principles: Microeconomics 2nd Edition
Cowen, Tyler; Tabarrok, Alexander, 2013
Balanced and Cyclical Growth in Models of Decentralized Economy
Alexander P. Abramov, 2014
Special Functions, Partial Differential Equations, and Harmonic Analysis: In Honor of Calixto P. Calderón
Calderón, Calixto P.; Georgakis, Constantine; Stokolos, Alexander M.; Urbina, Wilfredo(eds.), 2014
Dynamics and Control of Trajectory Tubes: Theory and Computation
Alexander B. Kurzhanski, Pravin Varaiya, 2014
Turnpike Theory of Continuous-Time Linear Optimal Control Problems
Alexander J. Zaslavski, 2015
Topics in finite fields : 11th International Conference Finite Fields and their Applications, July 22-26, 2013, Magdeburg, Germany
Gohar Kyureghyan, Gohar Kyureghyan, Gary L. Mullen, Alexander Pott(eds.), 2015
Graphs on Surfaces and Their Applications
Sergei K. Lando, Alexander K. Zvonkin, R.V. Gamkrelidze, V.A. Vassiliev, 2004
Decay of the Fourier Transform: Analytic and Geometric Aspects
Iosevich, Alexander; Liflyand, Elijah, 2014
Harmonic and Complex Analysis and its Applications
Alexander Vasil'ev(eds.), 2014
Diagram genus, generators, and applications
Stoimenow, Alexander, 2016
Stability of the Turnpike Phenomenon in Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems
Alexander J. Zaslavski, 2014
Geometric Methods in Physics: XXXII Workshop, Białowieża, Poland, June 30-July 6, 2013
Piotr Kielanowski, Pierre Bieliavsky, Alexander Odesskii, Anatol Odzijewicz, Martin Schlichenmaier, Theodore Voronov (eds.), 2014
Alexander Weinstein Selecta
Diaz, Joaquin B.; Weinstein, Alexander(eds.), 1978
Metabolism in Cancer
Cramer, Thorsten; Schmitt, Clemens Alexander(eds.), 2016
Computational Methods for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis
Ion Mandoiu, Alexander Zelikovsky(eds.), 2016
Collected papers of Claude E. Shannon
Shannon, Claude Elwood; Sloane, Neil James Alexander; Wyner, Aaaron D(eds.), 1993
Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 12th International Symposium, ISBRA 2016, Minsk, Belarus, June 5-8, 2016, Proceedings
Bourgeois, Anu G.; Skums, Pavel; Wan, Xiang; Zelikovsky, Alexander, 2016
Programming Language Explorations
Ray Toal, Rachel Rivera, Alexander Schneider, Eileen Choe, 2017
Integral Operators in Non-Standard Function Spaces: Volume 1: Variable Exponent Lebesgue and Amalgam Spaces
Vakhtang Kokilashvili, Alexander Meskhi, Humberto Rafeiro, Stefan Samko, 2016